What is Pi Coin | How to mine Pi Coin | How to withdraw Pi Coin
What is Pi Coin?
Hello everyone pi coin is a new cryptocurrency like bitcoin, ethereum etc.
The difference is that currently you cannot buy or sell pi coin because currently it is second phase, so that’s why no one can tell the exact price of 1 Pi Coin.
How you can get Pi Coin?
In the above paragraph I told you that no one can buy or sell pi coin but you can mine pi coins for free with the help of their app
In the above screenshot you can see that I am currently mining pi at the rate of 0.20 pi / hour. Mining rate is very low because pi has crossed 10 million pioneers
How you can mine Pi Coin?
- You can mine pi coin with the official app of pi network DOWNLOAD
- Register with your phone number (without phone number verification you cannot claim your pi)
- Click the mine button
- Now you have to do nothing it will automatically mine pi for you for 24 hours, after 24 hours you have to click mine button again
- Mined pi is shown at the top.
How to increase mining rate?
Users of pi are increasing day by day, So increasing users means decreasing pi mining rate but you can still increase your pi mining rate by inviting your friends and family
Earning team
You will see a button above the mine button click on that and you can see your earning team. When a person of your team is mining you will see “Mining” just below their name
Features of earning team
- Ping inactive - when you press the ping inactive button all of your earning teammates who are currently not mining will get a notification
- Create earning team chat - when you press this button you can create a chat box and can easily chat with your earning teammates
How to withdraw Pi Coins?
Sorry, but currently you cannot withdraw pi coin because currently it’s in second phase and no one knows the value of 1 pi coin but still people are guessing value of pi coin.
IMPORTANT - Use your original name becuase they will ask for your documents at the time of Kyc and kyc is mandatory for claiming your pi coins
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